Now that Greyson is crawling he never stops and really enjoys eating anything he can find on the ground. Sometimes we manage to catch him and cage him up, he hates that.
Here is Greyson with his new look, it was a sad day for mommy but he is such a handsome boy that was hiding behind that cute little baby with wild hair. Tell me what you think.
Ian turned into a water bug overnight, he suprised us with how much he enjoyed swimming with dad, he really enjoyed jumping off the ladder into a tube. He has the yell "cannon ball" down, but is still working on the actual cannon ball. He also liked jumping in the water in his skimpys (diaper only).
Hello everyone. We hope you enjoy looking at our blog. The boys keep it quite interesting. It is intended to keep you up to date on our lives. Feel free to leave your comments or just browse through the pics. Enjoy!