Well, this was Ian's first week of freestyle wrestling practice. He seems to be enjoying it so far and is anxious to learn and practice his new moves. His personality changes dramatically from wrestling here at home with dad to wrestling on the mats with kids he doesn't even know. If you saw him you would think he was "shy".

I was still a little hesitant to the idea of letting him wrestle this year just cuz he is so small and Tuesday night's practice almost sealed the deal when Ian became the target of a BULLY. I sat back and watched my undersized, oblivious to what was really going on, child being tormented by a kid who was obviously just trying to pick on someone way smaller then him. I was fuming by the time this bully had picked Ian up, turned him upside down and then dropped him on his head. I really didn't want to be the parent who doesn't let their child stand up for themselves but it was getting to the point that I was afraid for not only Ian's safety but for his first impression of the sport. Luckily, I didn't have to take down the bully myself and he moved on to other smaller kids. We are all excited to watch Ian learn the sport of wrestling and can't wait to see him wrestle in tournaments. Greyson might be ready for wrestling to be done sooner than the rest of us though, due to the fact that he is now the designated "dummy" for practices here at home. :~)