A few weekends ago we went up to Idaho Falls to attend Bump Zempke's wedding. We stayed with some frieds of ours at their house and decided to go to the Tautphaus Park Zoo during the day since none of us had ever been and the boys hadn't even been to a zoo. We had tons of fun even though it was really hot. Ian and Greyson enjoyed the petting zoo and feeding the ducks. We all enjoyed the monkeys because they are so cute and funny. One purposely put his butt in Greyson's face up against the glass. By the end of the three hours we were there we were exhausted and hot but left having had a great day!! We once had a peacock and my mom named her Nefrateeddie.
I cant believe that this was the first time you have taken the boys to the zoo!! What kind of parents are you? I hope the boys enjoyed themselves and that you will take them back again.
Hi!! Your boys are so darn cute! I missed seeing them at the guys' softball games this summer! Nate really wanted to play, but had been working long hours. Anyways, Ashley is marrying Jared Price -- pretty exciting! They're getting married the beginning of December -- so it should be fun! I'm glad you have a blog -- makes it easier to keep in touch with people! Glad to see you're doing well!
Hello everyone. We hope you enjoy looking at our blog. The boys keep it quite interesting. It is intended to keep you up to date on our lives. Feel free to leave your comments or just browse through the pics. Enjoy!
I cant believe that this was the first time you have taken the boys to the zoo!! What kind of parents are you? I hope the boys enjoyed themselves and that you will take them back again.
Hi!! Your boys are so darn cute! I missed seeing them at the guys' softball games this summer! Nate really wanted to play, but had been working long hours. Anyways, Ashley is marrying Jared Price -- pretty exciting! They're getting married the beginning of December -- so it should be fun! I'm glad you have a blog -- makes it easier to keep in touch with people! Glad to see you're doing well!
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