What a wonderful experience to have been a part of. Going to the Twin Falls Temple open house with our family and some of our relatives was just a great blessing. The spirit that was felt that day is unforgettable. We were also blessed to have the opportunity to help with the open house. David was able to help both days of our stakes assigned days and I was able to help with one. The willingness of so many members to take time out of their busy days was so awesome. This once in a life time experience will never be forgotten.

Our two little future missionaries looking so handsome(minus their long shaggy hair)

We were also blessed to have been able to participate in the dedication of the Twin Falls Temple. Even though we were not in the presence of President Monson and other General Authorities during the dedication you could feel of their love for our Savior, for the temple, and for us as members of the church. It is such a blessing to have this temple in our midst. I hope that we can attend it often and partake of it blessings.
1 comment:
That is a cute picture of the boys at the temple. I like it.
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