Our Easter festivities started Saturday morning at the annual Easter Egg Hunt put on by the Burley Hospital. This year they did it a little different for the youngest age group(0-2 yrs.) and I wasn't to impressed with it because they just had them all wait around a roped off area and when the siren went off we just had to walk our kid(s) up to some people who gave them 1 egg and a little toy or small handful of candy. That really took the fun out of having all the kids run around to get their own eggs. Greyson didn't seem to care to much though he just wanted to go see the Easter Bunny and Duck that were walking around. Ian on the other hand was so funny when it was time for him to get his eggs. We have laughed every time the video has been played. He could have gotten a fare amount of eggs if he would have stayed in one place but he was having too much fun running around.
We were visited by the Easter Bunny himself while we were at Davids parents house. He brought us some MORE candy and all the kids took their turns at giving him big hugs.

Easter morning was a big surprise for the boys, the night before I think they had forgotten that the Easter Bunny was coming and I wasn't about to remind them due to the fact that they would have been up way to early to see what they got. They each got some toy golf clubs and haven't put them down since. It is funny though because they don't play with the stuff they just haul them behind them where ever they go.

To end our Easter activities we had our annual Easter Egg Hunt but this time it was at Beno and Brandi's house instead of at Delia and Alvino's because they blessed their baby Hayden at church and then had the first barbecue of the season afterward. The weather was actually pretty nice other then a slight breeze but it was a great day to be outside spending time with family and friends.
Where is the picture of you and David standing with the Easter Bunny??
Looks like you guys had a fun Easter! I love your Easter baskets - that's a good idea!
What a cute blog! Your family is so beautiful. You're right, we need to visit each other and let our boys play!
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