Well the time has come again for T-ball. Initially I didn't plan on the coaching job again, so I could better watch my own kid play, but, here I am again helping out. This year has been a rough start for the season, since the first 3 of 5 games have been canceled due to rain. Ian has been so excited for t-ball to start, and he was heart broken when the games got canceled. In the two games we have had, it has been fun and the kids were excited to play.
Here is Coach and the team.

This years kids are so much more ambitious than last years kids, and every time a ball is hit, almost every kid runs after the ball. It usually makes a wild pile of kids, but they really enjoy it.

Ian is so into what he does sometimes and we caught this before one of the games. He said he wants to do his best so he can win the championship, so he was stretching out before playing.