This year we decided to give it a try with our first garden. So far our luck is not so good. We first planted everything and it looked great, then it froze our plants that were uncovered on a surprise freeze night. Also half of our corn didn't come up yet and only half of our carrots, so those had to be replanted. It was a fun activity for the kids and it was a great Family Home Evening though. Even though we have had bad luck so far, we do have some baby jalapenos growing already. I guess we will just keep trying and give you an update at the end of the growing season.

David said, "The only thing I am missing here is a tall hat and a beard." He wasn't as thrilled to do a garden as I was.

Hey Makyla... how are things going? So, we were thinking about doing a get together over the 4th of July and wondered if you and David (you can bring your kids) would be able to come? We haven't worked out details yet, but I didn't have your e-mail address to add you to the first message that I sent out about it. If you guys want to come, email me at and I will make sure you get added to all the other messages. We hope you can come!
Good job!! I wanted to plant a garden this year, but we never got around to it! Hopefully you'll get some yummy veggies out of the deal, but if not -- you'll be pros by the time next year rolls around!
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