Monday, October 13, 2008

One last trip to the park

I decided one day after going into have lunch with David that I would take the boys to the park to play on the toys one last time before the weather got too cold.

Crossing the bridge never seemed to bother Greyson before but for some reason this time he was a little timmed to cross so I had Ian help him cross a couple of times before he felt comfortable doing it himself.

Ian loves to use his climbing skills but it scares me to watch him do it and Greyson had four other slides to choose from but always came back to these two and would always say "bump, bump" while going down.

Yard Additions

We were able to get some new landscaping in before summer was over but it will have to wait till next year to get dressed up with bushes and flowers. I am going to try and plant some tulip bulbs this year before it gets too cold.