Sunday, June 14, 2009

Another Black Birthday!!!

Well here was another surprise 50th Birthday party done well. This time was my Mom's time to shine. We were lucky to plan an outdoor party and it was great timing since we had horrible rain for several days now.

We were able to get most of the local family together for a lunch party at the park.

She got a warm welcome from the grand kids.

T-Ball Time

Well the time has come again for T-ball. Initially I didn't plan on the coaching job again, so I could better watch my own kid play, but, here I am again helping out. This year has been a rough start for the season, since the first 3 of 5 games have been canceled due to rain. Ian has been so excited for t-ball to start, and he was heart broken when the games got canceled. In the two games we have had, it has been fun and the kids were excited to play.

Here is Coach and the team.

This years kids are so much more ambitious than last years kids, and every time a ball is hit, almost every kid runs after the ball. It usually makes a wild pile of kids, but they really enjoy it.

Ian is so into what he does sometimes and we caught this before one of the games. He said he wants to do his best so he can win the championship, so he was stretching out before playing.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Growing Up

Lately Ian has really been showing so many signs of growing up. He has been eating a lot more than usual, he is usually surprising us with some intelligent comment, and he has just been doing all kinds of grown up things. Sometimes he is such a good big brother and example. He is often defending Greyson, he helps Greyson with things that are out of reach, and he likes to help get Greyson dressed sometimes too. One of the things I have been so proud of him about is that he has been making his bed before he even comes out of his room in the morning.

Priesthood Outing

A few weeks ago David and Ian went to Star Falls for a Priesthood Commemoration. He decided not to take Greyson along because the word going around was that the location was a dangerous area. It sounds like they had a great time and Ian is truly an outdoors kinda guy. It was nice to be able to reflect for a moment on the Priesthood and what it is. We are so blessed to have the Priesthood in our home, the boys often look forward to receiving a blessing.

It was nice of Grandpa Molina to take Braxton along for the outing, so Ian would have someone to get in trouble with.

Ian Enjoys fishing for a little while, but his patience is limited.

These are actually Grandpa Molina's fish, but Ian wanted to hold them.

Friday, June 5, 2009

First timers

This year we decided to give it a try with our first garden. So far our luck is not so good. We first planted everything and it looked great, then it froze our plants that were uncovered on a surprise freeze night. Also half of our corn didn't come up yet and only half of our carrots, so those had to be replanted. It was a fun activity for the kids and it was a great Family Home Evening though. Even though we have had bad luck so far, we do have some baby jalapenos growing already. I guess we will just keep trying and give you an update at the end of the growing season.

David said, "The only thing I am missing here is a tall hat and a beard." He wasn't as thrilled to do a garden as I was.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Kids Fishing!!!

Its been a while, because we have been so busy, but I still wanted to post this one. A couple of weeks ago we went to participate in the annual kids fishing day that Burley puts on. We didn't have the right bait that day but the kids had a good time and we were entertained by the family of birds swimming around.

Even with all those poles we didn't get a bite. The trick that day seemed to be the spinners but we didn't have any. What luck!

Ian got to finally put his casting to use. For the longest time he would practice his casting in the basement with this little weight on the end and he got pretty good at it. He was happy to just keep casting out.