Thursday, September 3, 2009

First Day of Pre-School!!

Our Ian is now old enough to start school. He could have gone to kindergarten this year but we decided that it would be better for him if he went next year. He was so excited to start yesterday that he was up a few times in the night talking to us about going. He really liked his teacher, Miss Andrea, and knows only one other boy in the class.

I got this backpack last year in Seattle and Ian was excited that he finally got to use it. He wanted to fill it up with stuff to take with him like: pictures he colored, a pencil he got from church, and a water bottle in case he was thirsty. Me being the mean mom didn't let him though.

Ian wasted no time in making himself right at home. He was so over taken by all the toys there were to play with that I was surprised to actually get a kiss goodbye.


Jamie Ortega said...

I knew he would be super excited for school! The back pack looks like it fits him really well. I hope you are enjoying your new free time.

Kimberly said...

He's so cute!! All grown up!

koylefam said...

Avery LOVED "MR. Christensen" as she called Miss Andrea.. Ian will ove it she is an amazing teacher. I can't believe our kids are soooo grown up.